Williams Corporation
100-Year Plan

Williams Corporation has existed since 2010 and we have a detailed plan to keep the company trading until at least 2110.


The world’s population is currently 8 billion and forecast to grow to 11 billion over the next 100 years. There are also approximately 2 billion people living in poverty that we need to lift into the middle class. As well as natural disasters, wars and political issues displacing people. 

This will require an extraordinary amount of property to be built. 


The foundation of our product will be homes that are affordable to buy, affordable to live in and affordable to maintain where you can live, work and play.

Although we will also be a massive property provider and will provide multiple options to cater for the market.

We will always create a home with longevity in mind, doing business in a way where you can knock on the customers door in the future and they would wish to do business with us again based on the quality of their home.


We will control the majority of our own funding with instruments such as Williams Corporation Capital. We will raise capital first before committing to projects, always keeping the business in a conservative solvent position.

Design and Specification

As construction is a difficult industry we will keep the majority of our homes with standardized floor plans and specifications to reduce delivery risk and create efficiencies providing increased profitability and value for customers.


Sales is a critical part of any business, Williams Corporation will always have a strong focus on marketing and sales to make sure we keep our work and progress pre sale percentage high to reduce trading and market risks. 


Our people will be highly paid professionals who are lateral thinkers, diligent, carrying a wide understanding of the business and are proud to be at the forefront of their chosen field. 


For development of property we will aim for larger cities with supply and demand imbalances and governments that respect property rights. 

Continuous improvement

Everything can always be done better. Every day we will always focus on becoming 1% better. 

Continuous improvement is the key to keeping Williams Corporation strong. 


We will always push for capitalism, free markets, property rights and free speech as we believe these are the best systems for people and societies to prosper. 


Due to our efficiencies and business acumen we will make a higher than usual industry profit that will enable us to reinvest in the company, our people and ensure the company stands the test of time and weathers any storm.


With our principles followed and decisions made with a long term vision in mind, Williams Corporation will trade successfully with a continuous 100 year plan. 

Everything you need to know

Thinking about investing in property but you’re not sure where to start? As one of New Zealand’s largest new home builders, we have learnt a few things about investment dos and don’ts, and we want to share this knowledge with you.

Free resources

Williams Corporation is proud to offer you FREE property resources to get educated in property and our company.

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